Wednesday, September 17, 2008

The Greatest Singer Ever

Fact: Eddie Money is a fucking badass.

Fact #2: Eddie Money can rock so hard that your balls will literally fall off.

Fact #3: Neither your nor I will ever be as cool as Eddie Money. Don't even waste your time thinking about the possibility. It's just not happening.

Why is Eddie Money so fucking awesome? Check this out:

Can you rock that hard? Fuck no. Nobody can. Did you see the fucking hair? Simply put, Eddie Money is the tits. And the balls. And the asshole. And every other body part used to describe someone so impossibly awesome that it boggles the fucking mind.

Since we cannot aspire to be so cool, what can we learn from Eddie? For starters, we can learn that only Eddie Money is able to save prostitutes from their wretched existence. Second, we learn that singing alone in an enormous arena is fucking sweet. And finally, we again learn that no matter what we do in life, nothing will ever be as important as Eddie singing "Take Me Home Tonight."

Eddie, I would fellate you on command.

Just say the fucking word, and it's slob city.

My hero....

1 comment:

"K" Fingerett said...

And here I thought I could be your hero... :P

Well, there is no way that is happening since I have no balls to try and rock off... er... something like that... ^_^
