Sunday, July 06, 2008


Independence Day has come and gone again, and I'll be perfectly honest, I had a blast blowing shit up with M80's and other awesome explosives. Apparently, though, the holiday has something to do with a country generally referred to as "America." I know, I know. I was unaware, as well. In any case, I have been following this man's travels across the country he gave his right arm defending, and as I've said previously, I don't give a shit about your political affiliation or leanings, people like him should be honored and given all the respect they deserve. So when he wrote the following, I got a pretty solid chill shot down my spine:

One of the things to remember is that this independence didn't come for naught. The price paid was heavy, and even today the debt is still being settled. Tonight while you enjoy your steak and beer, remember that somewhere in the world, an American is suffering so that you won't have to. This is a person who did this of their own accord, be it for school, a sense of patriotism, or just a way out. No letter arrived in the mail directing them to report for duty. No truck full of armed men came and whisked them away to a new life of danger. This citizen willfully stepped forward and said "I will go" when so many others sat back and criticized or listed the reasons why it just wasn't convenient for them to go. Tonight while you watch the beautiful displays of fireworks bursting overhead, know that somewhere else in the world an American is seeing the same bursts, hearing the same booms, and wishing they weren't there. This person will see no beauty in the rockets red glare, only danger unknown to those who've not been there. When the embers fall on you as you try to dance out of the way, remember that for a neighbor of yours these embers are shrapnel, embers that injure far more gravely. Lastly, remember that in the morning when you awaken, head pounding from the nights festivities, a friend you've never met will never reawaken from their last nights journey.

If I had a thousand years I could not have said it better. I may hate our president and government for sending American men and women to die for something I personally do not believe in, but I have more respect for people like Daniel than most anyone in the world.

Safe travels Daniel. You are a true hero.