Wednesday, January 03, 2007

Life Sentence

Note: This was written right after the recent elections and I had forgotten about it until now. I think it's fairly decent and pretty different than most of the other stuff I write. So, enjoy. Or don't. See if I give a shit.

The election is over and there are a lot of things I want to say but cannot verbalize without this post devolving into another of my swear-laden tirades, but having said that I feel I need get a few things off of my chest like how I swear-to-fucking-Christ my state is populated with idiots who claim to desire change and come oh-so-fucking-close but still manage to come up short on the truly progressive issues, but hey, what does it matter if we only discriminate against a small percentage of our state's population, they will never matter anyway, or how it is that we re-elected a crooked governor and never batted an eye when he picked up right where he was and continued to make Wisconsin a larger welfare state in the hope of projecting an image of equality and the irony of this is that voters who put that chode in office to create this fucking utopia of free money and rampant discrimination forgot to vote no on a small little amendment to the fucking state constitution which now paves the way for our truly progressive and open-minded state to legally prevent homosexuals from ever marrying here, which is fine because fags should die in a fire and God and country and Don't Tread on Me and these colors don't run and Jee-sus won't this state be a fucking great place to live five years from now when nobody can fucking afford to stay here because of our shit-eating fuckstick government charging property taxes on everything I own up to and including my nutsack, but I'm not bitter because being bitter would imply that I am resigned to the fact that this shit will continue when in reality I'm still fucking pissed and not resigned to a single fucking thing and now I need to know one fucking thing that would make my fucking day: What the hell is going on here?


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