Thursday, August 23, 2007

Maybe You Should Go On A Diet

If I die today, I will have died a happy man. An hour ago I saw the greatest and funniest spectacle I have ever witnessed.

There is a lady who works across the hall from me. She is large. Rotund, even. 300+ lbs. Shaped very much like Homer Simpson.

Today, she sat down in at her desk and her chair basically exploded beneath the weight of her enormous ass. It didn't kind of break. It didn't crack a little bit. It fucking exploded. And I was five feet away. I couldn't help myself. I laughed my ass off and didn't even try to contain it.

That made my week. Fuck, that made my entire year. I am laughing as I write this. I wish I had video.

Fucking wonderful.


"K" Fingerett said...

Wow (again). That is something to see- too bad I couldn't see for myself.

So what did she do after the explosion? And did she look at or say anything to you (because of your laughing)?

Yeah, she should go on a diet... That's too much weight to be carrying around...


"K" Fingerett said...

It has been a while. I hope all is well ^_^

Be sure to stop by and let me know when you are around again.
