Tuesday, August 14, 2007

Observations, Commentary, and Gunshots

Guy 1: "Yeah, he's definitely about to drop a deuce."

Guy 2: "Fuck me running. That's pretty fucked up."

Guy 1: "You think he smuggled crack across the border?"

Guy 2: "What, like in his ass?"

Guy 1: "Just a thought."

Guy 2: "Actually, you are probably right."

Guy 1: "Holy fucking donkey dick! He just pinched one off on that other guy's shoe!"

Guy 2: "What do you think that third guy is looking at? I'll bet it's a bird."

Guy 1: "Nah, I think a beer truck just drove by."

Guy 2: "What do you think it smells like over there?"

Guy 1: "I would think it's something along the lines of an old diaper mixed with rotting flesh and a coyote turd."

Guy 2: "I think I just died a little bit inside."

Guy 1: "I can't watch this shit anymore. Let's go to the tailor and get new suits."

Guy 2: "I love being a wealthy prick!"

Guy 1: "And later we can play polo at our estates in the Hamptons! Cheers to that."

Me: *Gunshot*

Guys 1 and 2: *Dying* "Oh....fuck..."

Me: *Skips away cheerfully to go shoot the crackheads*


"K" Fingerett said...

Wonderful post my friend ^_^ This made me smile and laugh too.

Did you take this picture yourself? Just wondering...

I love how you were able to kill them both in one shot :P

Oh-- and thanks for stopping by! And I'm not sure about the naked lady flaps-- the ones on the truck... I'm pretty sure they were there though ^_^


gloucester ma said...

Funny Post-First time viewer.

I especially like the line about "I can't watch this shit anymore. Let's go to the tailor and get new suits."

It sounds like a gringo thing to say in the minds of a Mexican-OR-a line found in a 3 Stooges skit